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Must reads


Feature, General, Investments  | 8 August, 2024 | 4 minutes

Investment market update

Global financial markets have been recently experiencing heightened volatility. On 2 and 5 August, share markets around the world fell sharply, with the Japanese equity market losing 17.5% of its value over these two days.

Fund news, General, must read, Superannuation  | 3 August, 2024 |

Fund update

See what's changing in property and infrastructure, Transition to retirement accounts, the PDSs and the retirement wage.

Fund news, General, must read, Superannuation  | 1 August, 2024 |

Message from the CEO – Winter 2024

It’s been a busy time of year with end of financial year underway as well as a lot of merger activity.

General, Investments, must read, Superannuation  | 31 July, 2024 |

Investment update FY2024

Over the financial year ending 30 June 2024, global equity markets performed favourably.

Investments | 10 min watch

Investment update 20 May 2020

Hear from Chestor Ntonifer from BCA Research and Vision Super's CIO, Michael Wyrsch about the latest market movements.