Member outcomes assessment

Along with all other super funds, we’re required to assess our performance against set measures each year. It’s one of the ways we determine that we’re looking after the financial interests of our members. As a profit to members industry fund, the interests of our members is something that’s at the top of our minds in everything we do.

Download the most recent outcome assessment in PDF format using the button below.

Based on the outcomes assessment for the financial year 30 June 2023, the Vision Super Trustee confirms that it has met and promoted the financial interests of the beneficiaries of the Fund who hold MySuper and Choice products in its Accumulation and Pension products. Vision Super has reached this determination after passing the APRA performance test . The Fund continues to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns over the long term for members of the MySuper and Choice products, while continuing to find ways to keep costs low.

What does this assessment cover?

Assessment and comparisons provide a meaningful review of the Trustee’s performance and outcomes delivered to members with accumulation, choice, and income products for the financial year.

Comparison factors consist of
Assessment factors consist of:
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Investment risk
and return

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Member services
and product options

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Fees and costs

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Member services
and product options

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Fees and costs

Not a Vision Super member? Like what you see?

Consider joining a fund that puts its members at the centre of everything it does. Discover the difference a profit to members super fund can make. Visit our Why choose Vision Super page to find out more.
Don't hesitate to call us on 1300 300 820 if you need more information.