Key information about our products, fees, and what you should consider when selecting any of our products or services.
The Fund offers products other than our Vision Super products. If you hold an Active Super product which is now part of Vision Super, please visit for information and applicable disclosure documents.
Information in our Product Disclosure Statements, which is not materially adverse, is subject to change and may be updated from time to time. You can find any updates to information in our Product Disclosure Statements below.
Additional guide 2.
How super works
Additional guide 4.
Risks of investing in super
Additional guide 5.
How we invest your money
Additional guide 6.
Fees and costs
Additional guide 7.
How super is taxed
Additional guide 8. Insurance in your super
Additional guide 8. Insurance in your super
Additional guide 9.
How we deal with complaints
A TMD is a document which describes who a product is likely to be appropriate for (its target market), and any conditions around how the product can be distributed to customers.
It also describes the events or circumstances where we may need to review the Target Market Determination for a financial product.
Member Hotline
1300 300 820
Employer Hotline
1300 304 947
Retirement Hotline
1300 017 589