Local Heroes Awards return for third year

11 December, 2023 | 3 min read

We’re pleased to announce the return of the Vision Super Local Heroes Awards for 2024, in partnership with the Australian Services Union (ASU).

Now in their third year, the awards are designed to bring much-needed recognition to the work of local government employees who go above and beyond for their community.

Nominations are open to all local government workers, including employees of associated organisations operated by the council, and local libraries. Nominations may be made on behalf of others or self-nominated.

Past nominees have stretched across the state, from Darebin City Council in Melbourne’s inner north to Moira Shire Council on the New South Wales border.

What has remained consistent, year on year, is the passion shown by nominees for making a meaningful difference in their community.

Motivated by shared values of compassion, selflessness and generosity, nominees are often shocked and overwhelmed to discover they have even been put forward for an award.

It’s no mean feat for the judges, comprised of members of the leadership teams at Vision Super and the ASU, to choose a winner and runners-up from such an inspiring group of people.

To be nominated, the local government or library worker must demonstrate at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Made a significant difference to a community or member of a community
  2. Contributed to the safety of an individual or group in the community
  3. Made a substantial contribution to the welfare of a vulnerable person or group in the community

The winner and runners-up will be announced at a gala awards ceremony on Thursday 9 May 2024, which will be held at Victorian Trades Hall Council in Carlton.

A $1,000 gift card grand prize will be presented to the winner and $500 gift cards to the four runners-up to acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by these individuals or groups.

One of last year’s well-deserved runners-up, who was deemed to have made a substantial contribution to the welfare of a vulnerable person or group in the community, was Adelaide Jones from Merri-Bek Libraries.

Adelaide was nominated by their colleague Teishan Ahearne for being instrumental in conceiving, planning and organising the Queer Youth Clothes Swap at Brunswick Library.

“This event provided an opportunity for queer and trans youth to obtain quality second-hand clothes which match their gender identity, for free. In addition to this, the event brought queer and trans youth together with fun art activities and put them in touch with vital support services,” Teishan explained.

In the context of growing attacks on queer and trans youth, events such as the Queer Youth Clothes Swap are more important than ever in making a substantial contribution to a vulnerable group in the community.

- Teishan Ahearne

Nominations for the 2024 Local Heroes Awards are now open and will close on Monday 25 March 2024.

For more information, visit our 2024 Local Heroes Awards page here.

Is there a local hero who you’d like to see recognised for their contribution to the community?

10 May, 2024 | 3 min read

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