Access to an Employer Online account is easy. To obtain an Employer account, you must register or join Vision Super as a participating employer.
To log in to your Employer Online account, simply click on the blue ‘Log in’ button in the top right corner of the screen on all Vision Super website pages.
Already joined?
If you’ve already joined but you need a secure site password, please complete the Secure website access form>
Yet to join up?
If you haven’t registered or joined Vision Super yet, you’ll need to sign up using the Online employer sign up form. Then, you can log in from the homepage.
Everything you need to manage your super contribution payments are available to you through your Vision Super online account, including simple process explanations and access to dedicated support.
Here’s what you can do online:
You might find the answer to your question in the FAQ below. If you don’t find it there, you can call our Employer hotliine on 1300 304 947
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Member Hotline
1300 300 820
Employer Hotline
1300 304 947
Retirement Hotline
1300 017 589