Defined Benefit information – Active Super

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Vested Benefit Index (VBI)

Defined Benefit plans are required by law to have an actuarial investigation at least once every three years. Because Vision Super’s Defined Benefit plan (LASF DB) provides lifetime pensions, a mini review is held every in-between year. The vested benefit position of the LASF DB is reviewed on a quarterly basis. Details of the VBIs are as follows.

While market conditions are volatile, we monitor the VBI more frequently. When we are monitoring the VBI more frequently, the monthly VBIs will be shown below.
YearQTR 1 - September (estimated)QTR 2 - December (estimated)QTR 3 - March (estimated)QTR 4 - June (actual)
Please note: During this period, LGSS Pty Ltd was the trustee of the Active Super Fund. The Active Super Fund merged with Vision Super on 1 March 2025.

Employer information booklet

Member information booklet

Benefit certificates

The Fund Actuary has issued the following Benefit Certificates, confirming that employers have met their Superannuation Guarantee obligations in relation to their defined benefit employees. The Certificates will remain current for five years unless a notifiable event occurs.

CertificateEffective dateValid until*
LASF Benefit Certificate 2022
1 July 20221 June 2027
*Unless a notifiable event occurs.

Funding and solvency certificate

Vision Super regularly obtains a Funding and Solvency Certificate from the Fund Actuary. They are valid for five years unless a notifiable event occurs. Under the regulations, the Certificates must be replaced 12 months before they expire. Copies of the Certificates are below.


CertificateEffective dateExpiry dateReplacement date
FSC 20221 July 202230 June 202730 June 2026

Funding apportionment methodolgy

The same process for apportioning pension and active member liabilities has been applied since 1998 when LASF was set up under its trust deed. This reflects the methodology established in 1997 when LASF was operated under State legislation. Application of the process was externally reviewed by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

In summary, the methodology provides for two components: 

Pre-30 June 1993 Component

  • Unfunded lifetime pension liabilities are apportioned to each Authority on the basis of their individual share of the Plan’s total defined benefit salaries as at 30 June 1993.
  • The unfunded liabilities for active members’ pre 30 June 1993 membership is apportioned in the same way.

Post-30 June 1993 Component

  • The unfunded liabilities for active members’ post-30 June 1993 service is apportioned to each Authority on the basis of their individual share of the Plan’s total defined benefit salaries at 31 December 2011 (the date of the actuarial investigation).

Workers compensation and payroll tax

All employers pay Workers compensation premiums and some pay Payroll tax. Generally, 100% of an employer’s defined benefit contributions are included in the employer’s Workers compensation and Payroll tax calculations. However, where a funding call is made, a portion of the funding call payment may be excluded for Workers compensation/Payroll tax purposes. The Fund Actuary has previously provided letters advising what proportion of a funding call is assessable. 

Workers CompensationPayroll Tax 
2010 letter2010 letter
2011 letter2011 letter

Please note: Worksafe has raised a number of issues regarding the treatment of a funding call for WorkCover purposes. The Worksafe letter may be of assistance.


What are the LASF DB demographics at the dates of the recent actuarial reviews?

The Defined Benefit membership statistics were as follows.

 Member typeReview date
30 June 202230 June 202130 June 202030 June 201930 June 201830 June 201730 June 201431 Dec 2011
Active member
Number 1,4441,7001,9542,1982,5292,8553,983 4,971 
Average Age  58.0 years57.7 years57.3 years56.9 years56.7 years56.3 years55.2 years  54.1 years 
Average Past Membership 33.8 years33.0 years32.2 years31.3 years30.4 years29.5 years26.9 years 24.6 years 
Average Salary $96,481$95,036$93,843$91,326 $88,738 $86,885 $78,502 $70,727 
Lifetime Pensioners      
Number 4,0714,1244,1894,4654,4494,5974,882 5,132 
Average Age 77.5 years77.4 years77.4 years78.2 years 78.3 years 78.5 years 79.0 years 79.1 years 
Average Annual Pension $16,076$14,878$14,184$12,948$12,102$11,187$8,862 $7,172 
Deferred Beneficiaries      
Number 1,1431,2271,2921,366 1,5111,598 1,910 2,212 
Average Age 57.6 years57.0 years56.3 years55.6 years 55.0 years 54.3 years 52.9 years 51.7 years 
Average Account Balance $257,950$271,064$240,311$234,464$218,851$204,048$180,571 $149,842 

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