Our CEO and Executive team are dedicated to helping members achieve their best retirement outcomes. Our executives report to a Board of Trustees. Vision Super’s board is responsible for setting the fund’s strategic direction and oversees governance.
Trustee Directors are responsible for ensuring Vision Super is managed properly in the best financial interests of all members.
There are ten directors – four appointed on the nomination of the member associations, the ASU and USU, four appointed on the nomination of the employer associations MAV, LGNSW, VWIA and VICCI (jointly), and two independent directors who are appointed on the nomination of the Board.
Chief Executive Officer
Stephen manages the entire Vision Super team.
Stephen’s financial services experience in senior management positions has included seven years as CEO of a medium sized industry super fund, and four years as the General Manager of a large South Australian-based government superannuation scheme.
B.A (Hons) (Public Administration), MA Industrial Relations, Grad. Dip. Applied Finance and Investment, Grad. Cert. Financial Planning & Graduate AICD
Chief Investment Officer and Deputy CEO
Michael is responsible for providing strategic investment advice to the Trustees, as well as being responsible for operational investment matters, providing investment advice and assistance to the CEO and Trustees as required.
Michael has over 20 years’ experience in financial services, having worked in analytical and advisory roles. Most recently, Michael was a Senior Investment Consultant at a leading investment advisory firm.
BSc(Hons) (Mathematics)
Chief Financial Officer
Noelle is responsible for financial matters of the Vision Super group.
Noelle has over 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry, with a particular focus on superannuation. Prior to joining Vision Super, Noelle was a partner at two of the ‘Big Four’ professional services firms.
Chief Risk Officer
Nikki leads Vision Super’s Quality and Risk team. She manages the risk and compliance functions of the fund, ensuring Vision Super complies with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, maintaining strong corporate governance.
Masters of Tax
Bachelor of Law (Honours)
Bachelor of Science
Advanced Certificate in Public Administration (Taxation)
General Manager Strategy and Growth
Sean is responsible for fund growth, and leads the teams that provide service to our members and employers. He has substantial management experience at large industry funds and one of the industry’s leading administrators.
MBA, RG 146
General Manager Operations and Transitions
Steve Leach has overall responsibility for fund administration, technology and the project management office.
Steve joins Vision Super from UniSuper and has over 25 years’ experience in the superannuation industry. Steve has spent the last 20 years in the profit-to-members superannuation sector and possesses a strong track record of successfully delivering stepped and sustainable improvements in business and customer outcomes including the leadership of large,
ASFA 100, PS 146
General Manager, Data and Analytics
Emma has more than 25 years’ experience in superannuation, having worked in senior analytical and consulting roles with Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Mercer and Towers Perrin. She also worked for a software development company for five years.
BSc (Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics)
Graduate Diploma, Information Technology (Internet Software development)
Associate of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia
Head of Human Resources
Nick is responsible for the management of HR and providing strategic advice to the CEO and managers on human resources matters. He has over 20 years experience as a HR professional, spanning the financial services, professional services and technology sectors in Australia and the UK.
Bachelor of Arts
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (HRM)
General Manager – Governance
Bart Kula leads Vision Super’s Governance and Legal Team, ensuring robust oversight of corporate governance and legal functions. Bart is responsible for aligning legal frameworks and governance policies with the organisation’s objectives. His leadership underpins Vision Super’s commitment to operational excellence and safeguarding of members’ interests.
Master, Law and Commerce
LL.B (Hons)
Diploma in Superannuation (ASFA)
Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy
Certified Enterprise Risk Management
Head of Fund Administration Business Operations
Mark Newman has overall responsibility for the superannuation administration, insurance and business support functions. He has substantial experience in the management of defined benefits, pensions, accumulation accounts and claims management.
BBus (Business Administration),
Dip Superannuation Management,
Grad Cert Management,
Adv Dip Fin Serv (Superannuation),
Dip Fin Serv (Financial Planning),
Head of Communications
Rebekka is responsible for corporate communications, public policy and PR.
Rebekka has 15 years’ experience as a communications professional in the financial services industry, and has worked as a communications and policy adviser to two cabinet ministers and a Prime Minister.
Masters of History
Bachelor of Arts
Diploma of Superannuation
RG 146
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Member Hotline
1300 300 820
Employer Hotline
1300 304 947
Retirement Hotline
1300 017 589