Contact us

Primary contacts

Member services: 1300 300 820

Employer services: 1300 304 947

More options

Member services: 1300 300 820

Retirement services: 1300 017 589

If calling from overseas: +61 3 9911 3111

Translation and National Relay: 131 450

8:30am to 5:00pm closed public holidays

Member email: [email protected]

Postal address
Vision Super
PO Box 18041
Collins Street East
Victoria 8003

Quick contact form

Employer services 1300 304 947

Employer email: [email protected]

8:30am to 5:00pm closed public holidays

Join as an employer

Translation services
Need assistance? Call our translation service on 131 450 and say your language at the prompt.

National Relay Service
Vision Super welcomes calls through the National Relay Service if you are deaf or have a hearing and/or Speech impairment.

Choose your preferred access point by visiting the National Relay Service website here. Provide our phone number (1300 300 820) when asked by the Relay Officer.

For more information, call the NRS Helpdesk on 1800 555 660. 

It’s fantastic when we receive feedback about the services and support we provide. To provide us with feedback about our website, complete a website feedback form.

To keep your superannuation safe, we need to confirm your identity before we take action on your behalf.

Complaints can also be submitted using our online form

When you email us, please include your:

  • Full name
  • Current address
  • Vision Super member number

Complaints procedure

More information on the complaints process can be found here.